About Us
Vitalize Max is an Herbal Relief Supplement that helps with giving your day a lift! Helps with muscle pain, hangovers, and enhances your mood.
Maeng Da kratom is the most highly potent strain of kratom available. That’s because Maeng Da contains more of the mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitraphylline active compounds than the other varieties of kratom. Maeng Da is known for its high alkaloid properties and its ability to blend the pain relief qualities of red kratom with a stimulating boost of energy, the kind you find in Vitalize Max.
Maeng Da kratom is the most highly potent strain of kratom available. That’s because Maeng Da contains more of the mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitraphylline active compounds than the other varieties of kratom. Maeng Da is known for its high alkaloid properties and its ability to blend the pain relief qualities of red kratom with a stimulating boost of energy, the kind you find in Vitalize Max.